
A woman touches a robotic hand A woman touches a robotic hand  (AFP or licensors) Editorial

AI: A tool that cannot replace the richness of humanity

Our Editorial Director explores highlights of the new document on artificial intelligence from the Dicasteries for the Doctrine of the Faith and for Culture and Education.

By Andrea Tornielli

What is misleading, first and foremost, is the name. So-called “Artificial Intelligence” is one of those cases where the name has counted and still counts for a lot in the common perception of the phenomenon.

The Note “Antiqua et nova,” released on Tuesday by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Dicastery for Culture and Education, reminds us first of all that AI is a tool: it performs tasks, but it does not think. It is not capable of thinking. It is therefore misleading to attribute human characteristics to it, because it is a “machine” that remains confined to the logical-mathematical sphere. That is, it does not possess a semantic understanding of reality, nor a genuinely intuitive and creative capacity. It is unable to replicate moral discernment or a disinterested openness to what is true, good, and beautiful, beyond any particular utility. In short, it lacks all that is truly and profoundly human. 


Human intelligence is, in fact, individual, while at the same time social, rational, and affective. It lives through continuous relationships mediated by the irreplaceable corporeality of the person. AI should therefore only be used as a tool that complements human intelligence, and not claim to somehow replace the particular richness of the human person.

Despite the progress of research and its possible applications, AI continues to remain a “machine” that has no moral responsibility, which remains instead with those who design and use it.

For this reason, the new document emphasises, it is important that those who make decisions based on AI are held accountable for the choices they make, and that accountability for the use of this tool is possible at every stage of the decision-making process.

Both the ends and the means used in AI applications must be evaluated to ensure that they respect and promote human dignity and the common good. This evaluation constitutes a fundamental ethical criterion for discerning the legitimacy or otherwise of the use of artificial intelligence.

Another criterion for the moral evaluation of AI, the Note suggests, concerns its capacity to implement the positive aspects of the relations of human beings with their surroundings and with the environment to foster a constructive interconnection of individuals and communities, and to enhance a shared responsibility towards the common good.

In order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to go beyond the mere accumulation of data and knowledge, striving to achieve a true “wisdom of the heart,” as Pope Francis suggests, so that the use of artificial intelligence helps human beings to actually become better.

In this sense, the Note warns against any subordination to technology, inviting us not to use technology to progressively replace human labour—which would create new forms of marginalisation and social inequality—but rather as a tool to improve care and enrich services and the quality of human relations. It is also an aid in understanding complex facts and a guide in the search for truth. For this reason, countering AI-fuelled falsifications is not only a job for experts in the field, but requires the efforts of everyone.

We must also prevent artificial intelligence from being used as a form of exploitation or to restrict people’s freedom; to benefit the few at the expense of the many; or as a form of social control, reducing people to a set of data. And it is unacceptable that in the field of warfare, a machine should be entrusted with the choice of taking human lives. Unfortunately, we have seen the devastation caused by artificial intelligence-driven weaponry, and how great that devastation is, as tragically demonstrated in so many current conflicts.

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28 January 2025, 08:00