
Pope Francis meets with Xavier Espot Zamora, the Head of Goverment of the Principality of Andorra Pope Francis meets with Xavier Espot Zamora, the Head of Goverment of the Principality of Andorra 

Pope receives Andorran Head of Government in audience

Pope Francis meets with Xavier Espot Zamora, the Head of Government of the Principality of Andorra.

By Vatican News staff writer

Pope Francis on Monday morning received the Head of Government of the Principality of Andorra, Mr. Xavier Espot Zamora, in audience in the Vatican Apostolic Palace.

The Andorran leader subsequently met with Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, accompanied by Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Richard Paul Gallagher.

A statement from the Holy See Press Office said that during the cordial talks at the Secretariat of State, both parties highlighted the excellent relations between the Principality and the Holy See, which are part of a long historical tradition of mutual understanding and support.

The talks also focused on some important issues affecting the Andorran society, including the issue of migration.

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13 December 2021, 13:27