
News from the Orient – May 24, 2024

In this week's news from the Eastern Churches, produced in collaboration with L'Œuvre d'Orient, Patriarch Pizzaballa visits Gaza’s Catholic parish, Cairo sees a cultural venue reopen, and Mosul takes a few steps toward normality.

This week’s News from the Orient:

Visit of Patriarch of Jerusalem to Gaza

The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, spent four days in Gaza with the Christians of the territory to celebrate Pentecost.

From May 15 to 19, he met and listened to all the families of the Holy Family Catholic parish. He also administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to two boys and visited the Orthodox parish.

Upon his return to Jerusalem, he praised the faith that sustains the Christians of Gaza.

"Christians,” he said, “cannot hate even amid the thousand physical, psychological, and spiritual trials that such a situation entails."

The parish priest of the Holy Family parish and three nuns remained on site to assist the people of Gaza.

Reopening of Nassbian Theater in Cairo

On Saturday, May 18, the reopening ceremony of Cairo’s Nassbian Theater took place.

The El Nahda Association, which runs the venue, also celebrated its 25th anniversary and the first anniversary of the death of its founder, Jesuit Father William Sidhom.

The center welcomes underprivileged youth from the city, offering them numerous cultural activities, as well as artistic training to facilitate free self-expression.

For 25 years, many professionals in the fields of cinema, theater, and animation have been trained there.

Destroyed by a fire in October 2021, the theater was rebuilt thanks to numerous donors so it can continue its educational and cultural mission.

Joy of Christians returning to Mosul

Mosul has taken another step towards the return of Christians.

On Wednesday, May 22, Father Roni, a Syriac Catholic priest from the diocese of Mosul and parish priest of Mar Yacoub in Qaraqosh, led a group of 350 women from Qaraqosh to Mosul.

They gathered to pray the Rosary at the Syriac Catholic parish of Al-Bichara, during this Marian month.

At the same time, the restoration work on the Mar Toma Syriac Orthodox church and the Al-Tahira Chaldean church is progressing, giving new life to Mosul.

The Christian presence is gradually finding its place again in Mosul.


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24 May 2024, 16:51