Palestinian workers gather at the Erez crossing Palestinian workers gather at the Erez crossing  (AFP or licensors)

Israel allows Gaza workers to resume their jobs across separation fence

Israel reopens crossing points with Gaza on Thursday, allowing thousands of Palestinian workers to get to their jobs in Israel and the West Bank.

By Linda Bordoni

Some 18,000 Gazans are currently authorised to work in Israel, giving them respite from the dire economic situation at home.

Tel Aviv’s decision to allow open its side of the Erez crossing came after 12 days of closure in response to renewed violent protests by the separation fence with Israel in the east of the impoverished territory.

The move comes amid stepped-up international efforts by Egypt and the United Nations to defuse tensions and prevent a new round of armed conflict in the enclave.

In the past two weeks, protesters throwing stones and explosive devices have faced off against Israeli troops who have responded with live fire, killing at least one man and wounding dozens more.

But Gaza citizens are desperate to go back to their jobs, and in an apparent sign of easing tensions, the so-called "Revolutionary Youths" group, which has organised the protests in past weeks, said in a statement it was suspending the demonstrations after securing promises from mediators that Israel would stop provocative measures in Jerusalem and in prisons and ease up the Gaza blockades.

What’s more, backed by Egypt, Israel blocks many goods from entering Gaza citing security concerns, and also reserves the right to restrict exports.

According to IMF figures, poverty in Gaza is endemic and the per capita income in the enclave is only a quarter of that of Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. (Source Reuters and other agencies)

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28 September 2023, 16:13