Zambia's Mansa Diocese Bishop, Patrick Chisanga OFM Conv. Zambia's Mansa Diocese Bishop, Patrick Chisanga OFM Conv. 

Zambia: Mansa Diocese celebrates the care and protection of Mother Earth.

Mansa Diocese in Zambia this week celebrated the year-long diocesan pastoral theme of Care and Protection of Mother Earth.

Yangeni Radio – Mansa and Vatican News.

This week’s celebration took place at the Archbishop Spaita Centre in Mansa, the capital of the Luapula Province in the northern part of Zambia,

Deepen fraternal communion with creation

During the celebration, Mansa Diocesan Bishop Patrick Chisanga called on the faithful to listen to the cry of the planet Earth and change their attitudes in how they engage with creation. Embrace a culture of caring for Mother Earth, the Bishop urged the faithful of the Diocese.

The mayor of Mansa town attended the colourful event, along with traditional chiefs Kalasalukangaba and Chimese.

Bishop Chisanga railed against the uncontrolled destruction of God’s creation. He prayed that Christians, in particular, would deepen their fraternal communion with the entire creation and become more responsible and caring stewards of this God-given gift of a common home, the planet Earth.

Mansa Diocese celebrates Care and Protection of Mother Earth.
Mansa Diocese celebrates Care and Protection of Mother Earth.

2023: A year of care and protection for the Earth

Earlier in his advent message at the start of the liturgical year, Bishop Chisanga announced that the Diocese of Mansa would mark the whole ecclesiastical year of 2023 under the theme of “Year of Care and Protection of Mother Earth, Our Common Home.”

At the time, Bishop Chisanga explained that the pastoral theme was inspired by the Encyclical Letter of Pope Francis, Laudato sì (2015), on the care of our common home.

“The theme is aimed at enhancing the common responsibility God has given to humanity over the whole created order (Genesis 1:28) through sensitisation and deliberate action to prevent further degradation of planet Earth, our common and only home,” said Bishop Chisanga.

Mansa Diocese celebrates Care and Protection of Mother Earth.
Mansa Diocese celebrates Care and Protection of Mother Earth.

He continued, “Through his Canticle of Creatures, St. Francis of Assisi invites us to be aware of our intimate connection with the whole created order with God as our common originating source and Father. Indeed, to view creation only in terms of ecology, nature, botany, and biology is to see ourselves apart from God’s creation rather than being part of His creation,” said the Mansa prelate.

Christians should lead by example

Bishop Chisanga enumerated some steps Christians could do.

From a practical side of everyday life, he hoped that the various pastoral activities that the diocese and parishes had organised with regard to caring for creation would endure beyond the year-long commemoration and translate into such actions as planting trees, not cutting or burning forests indiscriminately. The Bishop encouraged the faithful to be mindful about how they handle garbage -especially plastic material.

He said Christians can be good stewards by, not wasting water, turning off unnecessary lights and electrical appliances, using only authorised fishing methods and respecting the fish breeding seasons. Other ways include conservation farming and using organic rather than harmful chemical fertilisers.

“Unpredictable weather patterns such as extremes of temperatures, floods and droughts are becoming a frequent phenomenon every year. Together, we can reverse this negative trend and restore Mother Earth, our common and only home, to her original beauty and splendour as the haven of peace and tranquillity for humanity,” Bishop Chisanga said.

Mansa Diocese celebrates Care and Protection of Mother Earth.
Mansa Diocese celebrates Care and Protection of Mother Earth.

The Diocese of Mansa and surrounding areas are home to Lake Mweru and the Luapula River

with floodplains, swamps and lagoons. Fishing is one of the main economic activities. Cassava and Maize are also grown as staple foods.

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17 October 2023, 18:05