Highlights of Pope Francis' second day in Slovakia

Day two of Pope Francis’ Apostolic visit to Slovakia included a meeting with political authorities, a chat with the clergy, a visit to a shelter for the poor and an encounter with the Jewish community in Bratislava.

By Vatican News staff writer

Pope Francis spent a busy second day of his Apostolic Visit to Slovakia in the capital Bratislava on Monday.

His first appointment saw him addressing Slovak President Zuzana Caputova, other officials and diplomats in the gardens of the presidential palace where he highlighted the need for fraternity in the process of European integration.

He went on to meet bishops, priests and nuns inviting them never to be inward-looking, self-absorbed and defensive: "The Church is not a fortress, a stronghold, a lofty castle, self-sufficient and looking out upon the world below," he said.

In the afternoon the Pope visited a shelter for the poor run by the Sisters of Charity of Mother Teresa and he met with representatives of Slovakia's Jewish community whom he thanked for their efforts to promote a journey of dialogue with the Catholic Church. 

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13 September 2021, 19:57