
Pope at Audience: May we welcome Mary's presence in our lives

During his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis reflects on the mystery of the Visitation, and urges the faithful to follow the example of the Blessed Mother who welcomed Christ with her Magnificat.

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

Christians should follow the example set by the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Visitation with her cousin Elizabeth, welcoming God and His plans for our lives.

Pope Francis offered this encouragement during his General Audience in the Vatican on Wednesday, during which he asked Fr. Pierluigi Giroli, IC, to read his catechesis since he said he is suffering from a cold.

Continuing his catechesis series on the Jubilee Year’s theme of “Jesus Christ our Hope,” the Holy Father reflected on the mystery of the Visitation.

The Blessed Mother, Pope Francis recalled, visited Saint Elizabeth, "but it is above all Jesus, in His mother’s womb," he pointed out, "who visits His people."

Mary sets out without fear

In fact, he highlighted, after Mary's astonishment and wonder following the angel's annunciation, she gets up and sets out on a journey.

Mary, Pope Francis said, did not fear danger or others' judgment; rather, the young woman went toward others instead of choosing to protect herself from the world.

Pope Francis observed how this illustrates that, when we feel loved, we experience a force that sets love in motion.

The Holy Father recalled St. Paul's insistence that the love of Christ impels us, drives us, and moves us.

“Mary feels the push of this love,” Pope Francis said, adding that love drove Mary to visit her cousin and “to share her faith in the God of the impossible and her hope in the fulfilment of His promises.” The Pope went on to reflect on the encounter between the two women.

The Magnificat

Mary, the Pope remembered, does not speak of herself but of God in her Magnificat, "raising a praise full of faith, hope, and joy."

Even if its verbs are all in the past tense," noted Pope Francis, her words are filled with a memory of the love that lights up the present with faith and illuminates the future with hope.

“Mary sings of the grace of the past, but she is the woman of the present who carries the future in her womb,” he said.

The Lord bowed down to the humble Mary to fulfill “great things” in her and make her the mother of the Lord, the Pope noted, as he stressed His faithfulness to His people forever.

Finally, Pope Francis concluded by inviting everyone to ask the Lord today for the grace to be able to wait for the fulfilment of every one of His promises, and to help us to welcome Mary’s example for our own lives.

Pope at General Audience
Pope at General Audience

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05 February 2025, 09:43