· Vatican City ·

The Pope recites the Our Father in spiritual communion with all the Christians of the world

Mercy for humanity so greatly tried

28 March 2020

In spiritual communion with Christians throughout the world, on Wednesday, 25 March, Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, Pope Francis recited the “Pater Noster” to implore for “mercy for humanity so greatly tried  by the coronavirus pandemic”. The following is a translation of the Pope’s introductory words which he offered in Italian on live steaming, from the private library of the Apostolic Palace at noon.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today we made an appointment with all Christians throughout the world to pray together the ‘Our Father’, the prayer that Jesus taught us.

As trusting children, we address our Father. We do it every day, several times a day. However, at this time, we want to implore mercy for humanity, so greatly tried by the coronavirus pandemic. And we do it together, Christians of every Church and Community, of every tradition, age, language and nation.

Let us pray for the sick and their families; for healthcare workers and those who assist them, for the authorities, law enforcement agencies and volunteers and for the ministers of our community.

Many of us today are celebrating the Incarnation of the Word in the womb of the Virgin Mary, when her humble and total [reply]: “Here I am”, reflected in the “Here I am” of the Son of God. We too entrust ourselves into God’s hands in full confidence and with one heart and one soul, let us pray:

Pater Noster