
Central American migrants walk toward the Mexico-US border Central American migrants walk toward the Mexico-US border 

U.S. to send troops to Mexican border as migrants head North

U.S. President Donald Trump says he is sending troops to the border with Mexico in response to a caravan procession of Central American migrants making their way towards the United States.

By James Blears

A caravan procession of more than a thousand Central American would-be migrants travelling through Mexico has brought a sharp response from U.S. President Donald Trump. On Tuesday he announced plans to deploy military troops to secure the nation's southern border with Mexico and make sure the migrant caravan doesn't attempt to cross into U.S. territory. 

Calling it a "Big Step"  President Trump announced that in lieu of a border wall, American troops are being sent to reinforce National Guard and Border Patrol Agents.

"We will be doing things with Mexico, and they will do something about the Caravan. Otherwise, I'm not going to do the NAFTA deal," he said. He also stressed: "We have immigration laws that are being laughed at by everybody."

Mexico's Minister of the Interior, Alfonso Navarrete, has already bluntly insisted: "We will act to enforce our immigration laws. But with no pressure whatsoever, from any country!"

The migrant caravan is still more than a thousand kilometers from the U.S. border in a field in the Southern State of Oaxaca.

Officials are checking the immigration status of the mostly Honduran migrants, some of whom might qualify for asylum. President Trump has already threatened to cut all aid to Honduras over this incident.

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04 April 2018, 14:08