
Saint of the day

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Date 01 December

The Saint of the Day presents a daily calendar of Saints remembered by the Church. The pages feature the stories of the great witnesses of Christian life through the centuries, lighting our way on our journey of faith.

Saint Charles de Foucauld

This wealthy young French aristocrat gave up everything to live in the Algerian desert as an adorer in the wilderness and a “brother to the most abandoned.” He was murdered in 1916.   

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St. Eligius, Bishop of Noyon

St. Eligius, Bishop of Noyon

Saint Eligius, celebrated December 1, is the patron saint of goldsmiths and, by extension, ironworkers and metallurgical workers, hardware storekeepers, blacksmiths, horses, and hence farmers, carriers, mechanics and garage keepeers.  

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St. Nahum, Prophet